
Friday, September 27, 2019


On Tuesday we went over to kyle park to collect plants and insects to look at under the microscopes. we were looking at those plants and insects so we could see what cells they had. For this experiment we used 2 different types of microscopes. A dissection microscope and monocular microscope. Dissection microscopes are used for insects so you don't have to crush them and the monocular microscope you flatten it and use a light to see the cells.  these are some photos of our findings.  We put the  insects in ethanol to peacefully MURDER them in the least harmful way possible. and we also learnt how to prepare a slide for the monocular microscope to prepare a slide you need to...

  • Place the specimen in the middle of the clean slide. Ensure that the specimen is laying flat and not folded over itself. 
  • Add 2-3 drops of the stain solution. Plant cells are commonly stained with iodine, whereas animal cells are commonly stained with methylene blue. both of these solutions stain the nucleus of each cell. (and your fingers and clothes so be careful) 
  • Holding a cover slip by each of its edges in your left hand, manoeuvre it so that the bottom edge of the cover slip makes contact with both the slide and the edges of the stain solution. With your right hand support the top edge of the cover slip with a pair of tweezers. 

                              Onion                                                     Insect

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

P.E Gymnastics

In Gymnastics this term i would like to learn how to do a cartwheel On the floor mat. I would also like to learn how to do a backwards dismount of the parallel bars, and walk on the bar.

Before gymnastics i was kinda nervous because its like a big step up in flexibility.
I didn't like it at the start due to us having to take our socks off and because the whole collaborate classes. My view on gymnastics changed as i found out i was better at it than i thought i was and it seemed to be quite enjoyable. I had fun during this topic.

Friday, September 13, 2019


Image result for bottle rocket
BoTtLe RoCkEtS
for the past week and a bit our science class has been working on bottle rockets which we launched today. we used an l&p bottle which we painted golden yellow and pink. on our fins we had a  blue one as well as a red one and a yellow one before most of it also got painted yellow gold. then we had to make a cone using newspaper it took us a while to perfect the tip but we got it in the end.

to fly it we used a air pressure thing connected to a wooden something connected to another thing that connected to our rockets. we had to push down on the air pressure a couple of times to get it to go then the water splatted out to let it fly up.

our group worked well together to get everything done and i really liked to make this bottle rocket and collaborate with my friends.  

After that we cut the cone and the fins off using a craft knife and then we cut the bottle in half. After that what we did is we filled the bottom half of the bottle with water and then the top half  we flipped it upside down we put felt through the neck of the bottle and fed it through up to the top to absorb water. Then we filled the top of the bottle with stones and pebbles and dirt up to about 3/4 full then we put the seeds in and then filled it the rest of the way with dirt.  
Image result for plastic bottle planters

Our planters have been going for a week and they have grown a bit and you can now see the green plants on top.

there isn't any growth in the plant apart from the leaves getting larger and taller.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Image result for scriber
Hack saw
Image result for hacksaw
Image result for metal ruler

Image result for file
Engineers square 
Image result for grinder
Flap wheel
Image result for flat wheel grinder
Engineers blue
Image result for engineers blue
Soft jaws
Image result for soft jaws
Image result for vice
Veinear caliper 
Image result for Vernier caliper
Odd leg caliper
Image result for odd leg caliper
Emery cloth
Image result for Emery cloth
Image result for divider
Digital vernier caliper

G clamp
Vacuum cleaner
Center punch
Letter punchs

Dust extractor

Mr rees
Mr roska


Drill press

Buffer wheel
Long nose pliers

Tuesday, September 3, 2019


A couple of weeks ago in science we had to create an organism that hasn't been founded before. We had to name it describe its habitat, give its a-Biotic factors and how it eats.

My Creature was called Toby 2.0
Toby gains nutrient by absorbing it through the blood
It lives in the blood
Its Abiotic Factors is that it's habitat (The blood) it lives in has to be between the temperatures of 34 and 42 Degrees Celsius But it is most active when it is the blood it between 37 and 38.
The liquid part of the blood is called plasma. It is made up of water, salt & proteins. The solid part of the blood (the part that thickens it) Are the red, What blood cells and there are things called platelets.