
Friday, February 22, 2019

Movie Review

In English we were watching a movie called The giver, We were asked to write a review about the movie after we had finished watching it. Overall I thought the movie was interesting, but really enjoyable. It was interesting because the movie ended with a cliff hanger and i'm wanting to know what it was like when all the memories were restored. And another interesting thing about it is that the story line was kind of muddled up and it didn't make sense to me what was happening. My favorite Character wold have to be Gabe ( the baby that is brought into Jonas family ) And my least favorite Character would be no one.  The ending was interesting and it was sad that we didn't get to find out how the emotions being restored changed the way of living. If i could change the ending i would have made a transition to 20 years ahead and shown how their life was different.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Home Economics

Over the past few weeks we have been learning how to cook different things and how to be safe and hygienic in the kitchen. We made a slide show to show you what we have learnt and maybe you can make them yourself at home. We made bread cases and chicken stir fry. We have learnt different skills and other things while taking this class and it has been really fun.

Monday, February 18, 2019


Te Whare Tapa Whā The Māori philosophy toward health is based on a holistic health and wellness model called Te Whare Tapa Whā. This is useful to know because if we know what it is we can work on things if it isn't as stable and work on it so then we are healthy.

I participated well with the group and i helped build the house and i helped write the definition on the walls. It was challenging when we were Building the house because it didn't really work out but i coped with this by problem solving and finding a solution. I worked well with others because we were all talking with each other and we all did our own part Next time i will help with the house more and i would write more information down on the walls. 


This is my slide show i have made for our test preparation for tomorrow. these are some of the important things to think about when doing a experiment.

Friday, February 15, 2019


THis is the blog post i have done on the experiment of us mixing acid and metal and making hydrogen everything we did is explained below.

Aim: To show that hydrogen gas is produced when a metal reacts with acid

Equipment: A test tube, A boiling tube, A Buncen burner, A wooden splint, A bottle of acid, A piece of metal, Safety glasses.

Hypothesis: I think that when we mix acid and metal, the metal with start to get eaten by the acid and it will become a gas and bubble up. and if i put a match to it it will make a pop sound.

1. Light your buncen burner
2. Add your sample metal to your test tube. add 2 mL of acid
3. Carefully invert the boiling tube above the test tube containing the metal and acid
4. Hold the test tubes together for a few minutes, allowing time for the inverted boiling tube to fill with gas.
5. When you think the tube if full. your lab partner should light a wooden splint.
6. Carefully and quickly tilt the boiling tube full of gas upwards and insert the burning splint into the mouth of the test tube
Image result for metal and acid
things to be careful about:
Wear safety glasses

We saw the bubbling from the magnesium strip in the HCL And then we put the burning strip into the test tube and we heard a pop and this is because
The Hydrogen gas Combusted. My hypothesis was correct because when we mixed the metal with the acid it made the hydrogen gas.

Please leave feedback on this post so then i know what i can work on

Friday, February 8, 2019


Bias - Bias is when someone is picking opposite a person or team on there opinion / Favoritism
Source - a person place or thing from where it is originated 
Credible - It is able to be believed / Convincing
Authority - A power for you to give orders and make decisions 
Reliable - Good in trustworthy and it can be trusted
Perspective - The appearance of an object viewed by someone
Agenda - A list of items that could be discussed at a meeting or a get together
Manipulate - control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly or unscrupulously.


For our English class this year we have been learning about Critical Literacy. For Critical Literacy we have been learning about things that are fake that seem real and we have been trying to find the difference. We used this game called Factitious. This game shows you different news articles and we have to decide if they were true or not. It is relevant to Critical Literacy because it helps us on deciding if we should trust it or not and