
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Drawing graphs in sciences


1. Always use a sharp pencil
2.Use a ruler if drawing a line graph.
3. Choose scales so that the graph takes up at least 80% of the paper
4. Label both axis with a description of what you are measuring.
5. Give your graph a title.
6. Never rule back to zero.

1. Outline 2 features of a good graph? straight lines and bold writing.
2. Suggest why graphs should be drawn in pencil? so the you can erase if you have to.
3. What needs to be given a title on a graph? what you are doing/topic axis

Using the graph paper provided graph the class results of your phone / Chromebook model.

Aim: To record, tabulate and graph data.

Hypothesis: I think that the most popular model is an Iphone 5s / Acer Chromebook


1. Note the make of your phone / chromebook
2. Record your results on the whiteboard by ticking the appropriate box.
3. Record the class results in the table below.
4. Use the graph paper provided
  • Draw a chart
  • Graph the results 

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